Hot Buffets

A less formal, self-service, hot option follows but with some staff still at hand.  Based on 100 guests, includes crockery, cutlery and setting up. We do, of course, offer more options than the samples shown here.

Hot Buffet Sample

Choose one main course and dessert from the following:


Beef Bourgignon

Chicken in an Orange and Lemon Sauce

Sweet and Sour Pork

Vegetarian Cannelloni


served with: Hot New Potatoes

Green Mixed Salad

Spicy Rice Salad

Waldorf and Sultana Salad

Rice Bean Salad

French Stick and Butter


Strawberry Cheesecake

Lemon Meringue Pie

Strawberry Gateau


Hot buffet catering menu available in the Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and other nearby counties

Contact Us

Our food is often praised with comments such as ”best catering ever”. 
We have successfully provided Cloverdale interpretations of many world-wide menus for visiting foreign clients receiving praise on these occasions also.